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In the 60's and very early 70's there was a gang called the Maniac Drifters in the Seeley and Ainslie area. There was also the Black Tops, Basement Boys, and the Irish Clowns.
These were all white gangs that went to the same schools, and grew up in the same neighborhoods as each other.
But in the early part of the 70's alot of the Drifters were going to jail and starting to fade away. There were a couple of young Drifters that were friends with a Palmer st. GAYLORD and they were very interested and liked everything about the GAYLORD NATION. So they decided to have a meeting to talk about tuning GAYLORDS in which all of them did. The Seeley and Ainslie GAYLORDS were now born.
Not to long after S/A started they started a brother section on Seeley and Eastwood st. a.k.a. The Firehouse GAYLORDS because of the Firehouse that was on the corner. In 1979 they had to close down and move back with S/Ast. because the residents, polititions, and police wanted them out and they succeeded. They circulated a petition to get them ousted from S/Est. The GAYLORDS were going to jail every time they stepped foot on their corners. So S/Est. was shut down for the time being.
The most important part in S/Ast. history was in the late 70's when our president "HONKEY" was shot and killed by the Latin Kings, this is the main reason why we did not join the people unity in the 80's. After that happened all we knew and understood was "Honkey lives on! Down with the crown".
We did not like that all the other GAYLORD sections were joining the unity except M/Cst. and of course us, but we understood their situation, they were surrounded by folks.
In the fall of 1985 we "the Pee-Wees and Midgets" asked the older dudes for permission to re-open Seeley and Eastwood streets and they agreed with one exception, if we tried to join the unity they would close us down and violate all of us.
We had a meeting at the McPherson School field house where two of our older dudes were present. There was thirty of us younger dudes, and all thirty voted for the re-opening of S/Est. We were deep and we were holding our hood down just like the old Fire House GAYLORDS did in the 70's.
There were two or three brothers that thought now that we had our own section it wouldn't be a bad idea to join the unity. we would just say "Honkey lives on! Down with the crown". Until one night two of these GAYLORD brothers decided to go and deck out some walls. These walls read S/Est. GAYLORDS NATION, 5 ALIVE, with our two point cross going through the five point star. Now it looked like we had joined the unity, and we were in deep sh_t with the older dudes. The next day there was about ten of us hanging in McPherson School when a car load of older dudes pulled up, they all got out and Bugsy shouted: "Seeley and Eastwood is now closed down and you are all coming back to S/Ast." They demanded to know who decked out those walls, the GAYLORD brother stood up and took blame for what he did and got his violations on the spot.
This would be the end of a old and new era on S/Est.
In the middle 80's into the 90's we were at war with almost every king branch from the lakefront to the river and from Peterson ave. to Montrose ave. Not only were we at war with the kings but we had to defend against the Brazers from Lawrence and Paulina st., Ashland and Ainslie st., and Chase Park, the Royals from BSY, BMS, and Hollywood Park, the Insane Popes from Budlong school, Mather Park and Balmoral and Campbell st., and last but not least the MLD's from John Coonley School.
All I know is we were deep and we stood our ground against our enemies/rivals. Then in 1996 we lost one of the downest GAYLORDS of our time "GERONIMO" not only was he one of the downest but he was one of the coolest GAYLORD brothers I ever knew. Geronimo was shot and killed in Uptown by a fourteen year old Black P. Stone.
I would like to say "whats up" to some old school S/Ast. GAYLORDS in Michigan, Crazy boy, Roach, Lil Roach, Juke, and Geronimo's family.
And whats up to all the GAYLORD sections.
Crazy after dark in Winnemac Park!
McPherson School where thee GAYLORDS rule!
God forgives, GAYLORDS don't!
Compliments of Capone
Geronimo will always live in our hearts and in our minds!
In loving memory of Honkey Nono Insane and Geronimo compliments of Capone
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Geronimo will always live in our hearts and in our minds!
In loving memory of Honkey Nono Insane and Geronimo compliments of Capone